our stories need to change, we are not cave people now
Imagine having to discover(need more specific word) concepts of Trust, Hate, Love, Betrayal and so on on your own after you drop on earth.
We don't need to because we have stories that captures the discoved concepts and are served to us starting from younge age.
Other animals don't have capacity to retain stories in their head, so they act on instincts, hormones(survival, reproductive).
Earlier humans had only two jobs, fight and reproduce.
Their stories are on same, love stories and war stories. It served good purpose, encouraged people to reproduce and fight. People liked those stories.
What is not so good is, we are surving same stories to today's world, where fighting and reproduction are (definitely) not top priority tasks to ensure humanity's survival.
Analogy - People like fats and carbs foods, so market fulfilled the demand and produced more such unhealthy foods. Similarly, people like love stories and fight stories, media fulfilled the demand by producing tones of stories in these two genera. We need more protein now, and similarly more meaningfull stories(solving world poverty, solving world hunger, motivation to work towards moving towards technological singularity and so on)
The direction is clear, we shoudl eat more protein, similarly, we need to move towards better stories to move towards ensuring humanity's continuous survival.
Delicious (tension and release in stories) Nutritious (message, content of your story) stories.
Can't protein containing food be delicious? It can be, There are ways to do it, similarly How do we produce likeble stories with good message?
interesting, "the saying-> everything is fair in love and war." also include love and war. It's 1576 saying, <> used first. sorry I forgot who was she/he.
of course there are stories not on these themes and are still famous.
and there are also stories which have no message and just great hooks etc. Are they just delicious without any nutritions?
e.g Attack on titan is very delicious story, and has nutritinos too.
e.g Demon Slayer is very delicious story, but I don't know what's nutritious in it? But it's not bad story tho.
or Am I just over romanticising stories?
I read The Name of the Wind, it's good book, nice sentences and so on, but what was the message?
Harry Potter is nice story too.
3 Idiots, is very famous. Nutritious and delicious.
our stories need to change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=astktokYKtY
Yuval Noah Harari in his book "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind":
Harari discusses how storytelling and shared myths have been fundamental to the success of Homo sapiens. He explains that it is our ability to believe in shared stories—about gods, nations, money, and human rights—that has allowed humans to cooperate in large groups and build complex societies.
Joseph Campbell in "The Hero with a Thousand Faces":
Campbell explores the idea of the monomyth, or "the hero's journey," and argues that storytelling is a fundamental way through which humans understand and navigate life. Stories and myths provide a framework for understanding human experience and transmitting essential cultural values and knowledge.
Walter Fisher's Narrative Paradigm:
Fisher proposed that humans are "homo narrans," or storytelling beings. According to his narrative paradigm, storytelling is more persuasive and meaningful to human beings than rational arguments because stories resonate on an emotional and cognitive level, making them a powerful tool for communication and knowledge transfer.
Carl Sagan in "The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark":
Sagan discusses the importance of storytelling in the context of science and human progress. He emphasizes that stories, including scientific narratives, help us understand our place in the universe and guide the development of our civilization.
Neil Gaiman, various interviews and works:
Gaiman often speaks about the power of stories and their importance to human culture. He believes stories are a way for people to share experiences, learn from the past, and inspire future generations.
James Baldwin:
In various essays and speeches, Baldwin highlighted how stories shape our identity and culture. He stressed the importance of narratives in understanding and addressing social issues, and how they can be a tool for change and progress.
some reference stories example. No opinion yet.
viewing universe as mechanical system,
view of human body as machine
view of life in society as a competitive struggle for existence
the belief in unlimited material progress to be achieved throught economic and technological growth,
belief the society in which the female is everywhere subsumed under the male is on the follows a basic rule of nature.
these examples are some western culture's stories.
there are stories of Indian culture as well.
what stories are supirior? The ones that helps us maximize our happies? that helps us make sure we make progress? to ensure our safty?
I found part of my answer.
Supiriour stories are those, that asks questions on everything.
ask deeper questions about every single aspect of old stories.
Eventually we might not need to throw everything away from old stories but before we know that, we need to be willing to question everything.
It's really really good answer. I found it in P8, the web of life.